Today we were shooting for a new promo-video for Mission Adventures. -Or I didn't really do much, I was more like the assistants assistant or something :) But here are some pictures from the set. Audun is a great actor! -And Anders is great with Instagram ;)
torsdag 4. oktober 2012
Back in business!
So school has started long time ago, I've finished my teaching practice for this semester and right this moment (or this week actually) I'm working with Mission Adventures at the YWAM base Grimerud. It's a part time job I have all year round, and I just love it! I feel so blessed for being a part of something like this.
Today we were shooting for a new promo-video for Mission Adventures. -Or I didn't really do much, I was more like the assistants assistant or something :) But here are some pictures from the set. Audun is a great actor! -And Anders is great with Instagram ;)
Today we were shooting for a new promo-video for Mission Adventures. -Or I didn't really do much, I was more like the assistants assistant or something :) But here are some pictures from the set. Audun is a great actor! -And Anders is great with Instagram ;)
mandag 13. august 2012
Isn't she lovely?
This saturday a perfect couple decided to share the rest of their life together.
It was beautiful and a lot of fun!
Here's some pics that I will not take credit for. My wonderful friend Sofie has taken them, and I must say; she's quite the talent with the camera!
The beautiful bride, Line :) |
They said YES, loud and clear :D |
The happy couple |
Celebrating with pretty girls :) |
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Lovely decorations! |
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The wedding party |
I'm very thankful I got to be a part of it!
søndag 12. august 2012
Awesome as always!
Every Mission Adventures is great. Always different, but always great!
This summer I've been to Durham City, about half an hour from Newcastle, England. Brought a bunch of crazy (in the best way possible!) youths from the west coast of Norway and we got to work with several wonderful people from several wonderful churches.
We got to be a part of three holiday-clubs, a Fun Day in Brandon, evenings with youths/students, BBQ-parties, bowling, gardening, litter-picking and tons of other events.
This summer I haven't been the best photographer so I've only taken a few of these pictures, but luckily others has taken many good ones! I borrowed some of Fredriks pics (among others) and hope you'll be able to catch a glimpse of what an adventure we've been out on these last few weeks ;)
This summer I haven't been the best photographer so I've only taken a few of these pictures, but luckily others has taken many good ones! I borrowed some of Fredriks pics (among others) and hope you'll be able to catch a glimpse of what an adventure we've been out on these last few weeks ;)
Flying Norwegian :) |
The Angel of the North :) |
Holiday-club in Carrville with great youths |
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Recognize this place from Harry Potter? |
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The team outside one of the churches |
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The Viking ship entering Newcastle |
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Hard working Andrea in one of the gardens we worked in |
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Awesome people in Newcastle :D |
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Beautiful St. Nics in Durham City |
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Facepainting artwork of the Husum-family |
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Durham Cathedral |
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I'm happy with my Starbucks Caramel Frappe ;) |
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Dancing in St. Nics |
You can also check out YWAM Norways page on Facebook
AND read what Britt Solveigs experience if you click on this link!
Enjoy :D
onsdag 11. juli 2012
Now you're just somebody that I used to know...
Last thursday a tragedy struck my family. Again, I'd almost say.
My sister, or my step sister, died. 41 years old.
It was sudden, but still not like lightning from clear skies. She had lived a hard life and tried many times to get her life back on track.
I guess you could say she was a good person to everyone but herself.
It would be a lie to say we were very close. Because we weren't.
When my mother and her dad got married twelve years ago it was different. We got to know each other. I spent the night at her house, with her family/kids. We ate dinners together. It was like family.
She's been through a lot of hard times since then...
The last few years we haven't really had tons of conversations, but still I'd say I knew her. At least some of her. She was really trying. I know she had Jesus and that's the most important thing.
I know that it is better for her to be with Jesus than with anyone of us here on earth, which makes me think of sort of a saying (I think it's a chinese one?) that goes something like this: "when I was born everyone was smiling around me, but I was crying. Now that I'm going you're crying, and I'm the one that's smiling."
I know she knew she was loved!
My sister, or my step sister, died. 41 years old.
It was sudden, but still not like lightning from clear skies. She had lived a hard life and tried many times to get her life back on track.
I guess you could say she was a good person to everyone but herself.
It would be a lie to say we were very close. Because we weren't.
When my mother and her dad got married twelve years ago it was different. We got to know each other. I spent the night at her house, with her family/kids. We ate dinners together. It was like family.
She's been through a lot of hard times since then...
The last few years we haven't really had tons of conversations, but still I'd say I knew her. At least some of her. She was really trying. I know she had Jesus and that's the most important thing.
I know that it is better for her to be with Jesus than with anyone of us here on earth, which makes me think of sort of a saying (I think it's a chinese one?) that goes something like this: "when I was born everyone was smiling around me, but I was crying. Now that I'm going you're crying, and I'm the one that's smiling."
I know she knew she was loved!
"...Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
- Luke 23:42-43
tirsdag 10. juli 2012
Makes Me Wonder
Sometimes I just wonder... What will the future bring?
Or actually I wonder: What will God do?
What will God do with my life that can possibly make a difference in this world?
Maybe I'll just make a difference in someones world.
In someones life.
In someones life.
I'm good with that.
fredag 4. mai 2012
As promised...
As most of you know I spent this easter in Latvia, traveling with Mission Adventures. It was awesome! I lead a team of 11 great youths with Ola Johannes to Vestiena. Actually they were 9 youths and two youth leaders, and we also had some cool translators, the point is; we all had a great time together!
We got to spend time with wonderful latvians, went on house visits, did some practical work, had meetings in the towns culture-house, played with kids/youths and visited an orphanage. And, of course, we got to share Jesus with them!
It was great :D - GOD is great!
And here's pictures as promised:
The Church we stayed in -with our pretty bus outside :) |
The team :D |
Advertisement is important :) |
Playing basketball in the gym with the youths/kids |
Waiting their turn |
Listening to a devotion |
Good fellowship |
Friends :) |
Outside the orphanage |
Awesome team-leaders :) |
I got the BEST gift :D -Really like 'em! |
Vestiena always serves great food! |
Ola likes his coffee (and so do I!) |
The whole, crazy, beautiful gang ;D |
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BEAUTIFUL -and freezing! |
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A glimpse of Riga! |
YOU are welcome to join the next trip!
fredag 13. april 2012
E-Waves i Irland
Så, jeg er altså i Irland i skrivende stund. Eller jeg ER i Nord Irland, men jeg ser ut av vinduet, over vannet, på The Republic of Ireland. Jeg trives. Mission Adventures er fantastisk. Menneskene som jobber med det er de kuleste jeg kjenner. De er min familie. Vi er samme type mennesker. Mennesker som digger Jesus, ønsker å se forandring i samfunn og nasjoner og som har det helt sinnsykt gøy sammen!
Jeg får se en større mening med mitt liv. Gud legger noe på hjertet mitt og jeg vet at Han har en god grunn til at jeg er her. En mening med at jeg gjør det jeg gjør.
DET er rimelig fantastisk!
Btw: Rapport og bilder fra påsken i Latvia kommer etter hvert!
torsdag 15. mars 2012
Ja, dette er jo ikke egentlig noe bakeblogg, men siden jeg visstnok er veldig god på å lage cookies skal jeg være så snill og dele "oppskrifta" mi med resten av verden :)
Vanligvis pleier jeg ikke bruke så mye oppskrifter, men siden mange spurte etter ei forrige Puls i Sørlandskirka Kristiansand har jeg klart å skrive ned hva jeg putta i bakebollen når jeg lagde de igjen igår. Hvertfall sånn ca ;)
Denne oppskrifta burde holde til ca 25 stk, og da er det ikke plass til mer enn ca 9 (3x3) per brett. De blir store!
-og ikke minst gode og myke, sånn som skikkelige "cookies" skal være :)
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En stor spiseskje deig pr stk er passelig |
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De flyter godt ut så ha god plass på brettet |
HUSK å avkjøle cookiesene før du tar de av bakepapiret! Da beholder de fasongen og blir værende myke.
Håper det smaker!
Hvis du ikke er allergisk, sånn som meg, er det sikkert godt å hakke opp litt nøtter å ha i også.
- Og dersom du skulle ønske å lage deigen dagen før er det bare å rulle den til "ei pølse" og ha den i plastfolie. Legg den i kjøleskapet og når de skal stekes dagen etter er det bare å kutte opp i passe skiver og legge på brettet. Superenkelt :D
torsdag 8. mars 2012
Pep talk
Noen ganger blir jeg bare så sykt sur og lei av alt og alle!! Ja, jeg vet, sånn skal man vel egentlig ikke snakke for mye om, hvertfall ikke blogge om (!), men sånn er livet. It's the way I am.
Da er det godt at jeg kan gå en tur for meg selv med Gud og god musikk på øret. Det hjelper. Alltid.
Så på en liten topp rett med havet fikk jeg prata litt med Gud. Jeg kom umotivert og med bad attitude (ja, jeg har det noen ganger!), men fikk gå med friskt mot og vissheten om at Gud har en vannvittig bra plan. Med livet mitt. Fordi Han bryr seg.
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Jammen er det fint på Sørlandet også! |
mandag 5. mars 2012
SYKT fint!
Kunne knapt huske at det var så fint! |
I det hvite, lille huset til høyre for hodet mitt har jeg bodd <3 |
Maria -en STOR velsignelse i livet mitt! |
Da har jeg hatt fem dager ferie i Sogn og Fjordane. 2,5 på Sandane og 2,5 i Sogndal. Vell brukt tid vil jeg si. Har kost meg STORT rett og slett.
OG det er offisielt: Jeg skal ha med meg the awesomest people til Newcastle på MA til sommeren! Det blir så sykt kult!
Gud kommer til å gjøre så mye, det bare VET jeg!
På lørdag var vi en god gjeng i trekket der vi grilla og var sosiale :)
Heldige meg fikk låne litt utstyr :) Dongeribukser i trekket FTW! |
Grillmestere i full sving :) |
Nydelige Anita! |
Vakre Malin :) |
Flotte Lars Kristian! -Litt av en cowboy:) |
En enarmet banditt! -Snille, gode Mathias i solskinnet :) |
Emma klatremus :) |
Verdens kuleste Julia! |
Jeg og Emma øver på litt posing. Skal nok bli mange bra bilder til sommeren! |
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