onsdag 11. juli 2012

Now you're just somebody that I used to know...

Last thursday a tragedy struck my family. Again, I'd almost say. 
My sister, or my step sister, died. 41 years old.
It was sudden, but still not like lightning from clear skies. She had lived a hard life and tried many times to get her life back on track. 
I guess you could say she was a good person to everyone but herself. 

It would be a lie to say we were very close. Because we weren't. 
When my mother and her dad got married twelve years ago it was different. We got to know each other. I spent the night at her house, with her family/kids. We ate dinners together. It was like family. 
She's been through a lot of hard times since then...

The last few years we haven't really had tons of conversations, but still I'd say I knew her. At least some of her. She was really trying. I know she had Jesus and that's the most important thing. 

I know that it is better for her to be with Jesus than with anyone of us here on earth, which makes me think of sort of a saying (I think it's a chinese one?) that goes something like this: "when I was born everyone was smiling around me, but I was crying. Now that I'm going you're crying, and I'm the one that's smiling."

I know she knew she was loved!

 "...Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
- Luke 23:42-43

2 kommentarer:

Line sa...

Tenker på deg og dere <3

Ann Therese sa...

Din kjære familie e i mine tanker og bønner vakre Berit!